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Revision to Tablet

Jooe Bloww

+[summary]Portable computers that don't fold[/summary]
-[title|Tablet Repair]
-[summary]Repairs for most tablet computers. Because of their small size and frequent use of adhesive, tablet repair is often more involved than laptop repair.[/summary]
-== Background and Identification ==
-Building on the idea that smaller is better, many companies decided that even a laptop could be made more portable, and the era of tablets was born. While most tablets have a few buttons, they tend to utilize touch-screen technology. Tablet computers come in a range of sizes, and are manufactured by many different companies.
-A sure-fire way to identify that you are holding a tablet in your hands is by checking to see if it is able to be held in your hands. Tablets are generally bigger than mobile cellular devices, with screens in the 7-inch to 11-inch range, but smaller than laptops and without the folding capabilities.
-== Additional Info ==
-* [|Wikipedia: Tablet Computer]
-* [|Apple: iPad]

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