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Apple's 2012 first-generation 7.9-inch iPad mini, with 16, 32, or 64 GB of storage and an A5 processor.

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replace screen, dont turn on and make beeping sound

I replace the screen, but when I try to turn it On, has a black screen. When plugged to the computer or to the charging plug, it makes a beep every few seconds.

What i did wrong?

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Hi, the problem is wrong cable connection or burned component Coil 4R7.

Taking the test is very simple. Turn on the ipad and put it under a lamp, if you see pictures in this way try to turn off and on.

If returns to normal operation status could be because it is inadvertently switched on during disassembly, otherwise you have the problem described above.

Sorry for my English! But im Italian!

Andrea Baglione


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This is the very common ipad mini backlight problem.

you've accidentally blown the iPad mini backlight fuse by inadvertently removing the LCD connector before removing the battery connector. You will need to have the iPad mini backlight fuse replaced on the motherboard---other solutions like jumping the backlight fuse are possible, but are likely to eventually overload the backlight ic and cause it and/or the backlight coil to fail.

For more than you ever wanted to know about iPad mini backlight problems check out this thread.

Lots of advice here on this thread: Th screen stays black after a digitizer replacement.

I have become a bit of a specialist in this problem and see a couple blown backlighting every day now via my mail in service. Feel free to contact me via my profile.

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I had this problem when I was changing LCD and screen.. I had the LCD only plugged in and also had not originally unplugged the battery as I changed LCD's.. So, it wasn't lighting and was doing this beep (I also noticed the power button wasn't functioning properly when clicking to lock). I unplugged and then reconnected the battery.. The LCD then lit up as I powered it, but when I plugged in the charger, I still had the beep coming.. I then repeated the same steps above, but also connected the screen/digitizer.. Powered it up, and no more beep (and power button functioning as it should)..

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I have this problem on an iPad. At least it sounds like it. I am going to try what you describe and see if I am as fortunate. If not I think I am looking for a back lite filter. I am on a iPad 3. Does anyone know we're to get such a filter. I'm planning ahead


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Sorry, I'm Italian too,

The problem (solved)is this:

before disconnect the LCD you need to disconnect the battery!

You can do this by insert a small piece of plastic betwin battery and motherboard :-)

Solved after seen this:


Nike from Levanto

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I had this problem too and got pretty scared I would need to replace the fuse or whatever like the other replies suggested, but what solved my problem believe it or not was a software reset (press and hold home + power button). Not sure if it will work for you, probably for some cases the fuse replacement will be required, but it worth the try.

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i had the same issue and tired the same, the blinking of sound has gone and i can see some image coming out of the LCD screen but still looks like its broken, what wrong . thanks


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Hi I am having same problem...if u find some solution to this...kindly do let me know


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I have not received a response. I'm taking the iPad mini to a local technician to have a diagnosis. I let you know anything


i have same problem, if you ever find out whats causing it, would you please share info?


It's cause by misaligned plug. When you soldered the connector to the screen It wasn't alligned properly. If you notice on the plug there is suppose to be extra pin on each side that will allow you to aligne properly


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It could be possible that you blew the back light filter, did you disconnect the battery before disconnecting the digitizer and LCD?

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Hi,i am an italian boy and sorry for my english.I have the same problem,but only if i connect the new display.If i reconnect the old (original mini ipad display) there are no beeps every four seconds,and i see the light on display (broken).If i connect the compatible display i have the same backlight and beep every 4 seconds....Thanks for who answer me....

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the problem is mine,i have bought a display for ipad mini,not for ipad mini mini ipad is a1490 and for me the display is not compatible...(no retina with retina) s thrue?....i have another question...i broken the display and the touchscreen....the touch is compatible for every ipad mini or there is a mini ipad touchscreen specified for the mini ipad with retina?


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For iPad mini retina, you will have to buy the retina LCD from China. There was a thread a few weeks ago where a couple of people were going to split the min order of 3.

For the touchscreen, the assemblies with the ic for the mini first gen will not work. However, you can solder the original ic and home flex to a mini first gen glass digitizer and it will work.


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how much for a new logic board? i think i made a mistake somewhere here. i removed diode then placed solder over the two point the diode was connected to. then in connect digitizer lcd then battery then still no backlight no sound no faint images and then i think my coil exploded from having the battery connected with my amateur soldering skills for the diode. i may have messed up more than 10 different components here. is this ipad salvageable or should i buy a new logic board or should i just jump off a cliff and seriously injure myself for being so dumb?

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ok replaced the digitizer and lcd screen now the only thing i have i may i help you working I can't get it to hook to the computer just says device not found. the problem I was having with it the digitizer was smash so bad it came off in pieces there was a little light in the corner of the i pad before I replace both screen and digitzer what could have gone wrong

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sorry i mean the only thing that works on it now is siri


this is an i pad mini as well


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