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[title|Mac Repair]
-[summary]Repair guides and disassembly information for Apple's Macintosh personal computers.[/summary]
+[summary]I have a late 2012 Macbook Pro Retina 13 inch. It was charging 53% after replacing the battery 3 years ago with then an after-market battery. I think I ordered it from you. If the power cord was disconnected, it completely went dead. When the power adapter was plugged back in it took a few seconds to log on and then operate only from the power adapter while not charging.
+I thought it was the battery with a typical 3-year lifespan, and ordered a Powerwoo battery from Amazon which I installed myself. The process was simple.
+After installation and checking the computer information it read "Battery Installed: No". Also, the battery icon disappeared from the computer which is logical if no battery is installed it appears.
+When I checked Amazon reviews of Powerwoo it is overall believed to be a good replacement battery, however, one customer reported that the after-market battery did not work on the same type and year computer as mine.
+Amazon refunded me the $44.
+What may be the possible problem? If I order a battery from you will it work if the battery is the problem?
+I don't think it's the logic board because I am able to pull up my documents, pictures, etc., etc., and everything of mine on the computer. However, I read that a bad logic board can cause a battery malfunction. I did an SMC reboot several times. The light blinks green, then stays orange but again is not charging and reported after the Powerwoo installation, "Battery Not Installed."
== Identification ==
-Identifying exactly which Mac you own can sometimes be a challenge. Variations of MacBooks, MacBook Pros, PowerBooks, iBooks, iMacs, Mac Pros, or Mac Minis have the tendency to look the same, but may have different internal hardware. If you're unsure of exactly which model and revision you own, take advantage of the [|Mac identification page].
+Identifying exactly which Mac you own can sometimes be a challenge. Variations of MacBooks, MacBook Pros, PowerBooks, iBooks, iMacs, Mac Pros, or Mac Minis have the tendency to look the same, but may have different internal hardware. If you're unsure of exactly which model and revision you own, take advantage of the [link||Mac identification page].
== Additional Information ==
* [[Troubleshoot|iFixit: List of Troubleshooting Guides]]
-* [|Wikipedia: Macintosh]
-* [|Mactracker: Application with Apple Product Specs]
-* [|EveryMac: Online Apple Product Specs]
-* [|Apple: Mac Products]
+* [link||Wikipedia: Macintosh]
+* [link||Mactracker: Application with Apple Product Specs]
+* [link||EveryMac: Online Apple Product Specs]
+* [link||Apple: Mac Products]
== Mac Laptop ==

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