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Tavannes, Switzerland<\/a><\/strong> and has family all over France. So, it was a great time to reconnect with European family and drink in the culture and history of the center of the world.<\/p>\n\n<p>Just before graduation, the economy took a dump and job prospects for a newly-minted English major were bleak. Passionate about politics, I took an internship as a political writer in Sacramento and eventually moved to San Luis Obispo where I worked as an organizer and District Representative for <strong><a href="http:////">Senator Sam Blakeslee<\/a><\/strong>. After running a few successful campaigns for local candidates (I'm omitting any mention of the unsuccessful ones\u2014he he), I decided I was tired of politics and hung up my spurs.<\/p>\n\n<p>After being a happily unemployed <strong><a href="http:////" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">patapouf<\/a><\/strong>, I decided my future would be well spent at iFixit.<\/p>\n\n<div class=\"clearer\"><\/div><div class=\"headerContainer\"><a class=\"selfLink\" href="#Section_iFixit_Pro\" title=\"Link to this section\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><i class=\"svg-icon\" style=\"width: 16px; height: 16px;\"><svg xmlns=\"http:\/\/\/2000\/svg\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\" fill=\"currentColor\"><path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M13.1 2.899a3.976 3.976 0 0 0-5.622 0l-.94.94A.85.85 0 0 0 7.742 5.04l.94-.939a2.276 2.276 0 1 1 3.218 3.219l-.94.94a.85.85 0 1 0 1.203 1.201l.939-.94a3.976 3.976 0 0 0 0-5.622zM2.9 13.101a3.976 3.976 0 0 0 5.622 0l.94-.94a.85.85 0 0 0-1.203-1.201l-.94.939A2.276 2.276 0 1 1 4.102 8.68l.94-.94A.85.85 0 0 0 3.839 6.54l-.94.94a3.976 3.976 0 0 0 0 5.622z\"><\/path><path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M10.119 5.881a.875.875 0 0 1 0 1.238l-3 3A.875.875 0 0 1 5.88 8.88l3-3a.875.875 0 0 1 1.238 0z\"><\/path><\/svg><\/i><\/a><h2 id=\"Section_iFixit_Pro\" class=\"header\">iFixit Pro<\/h2><\/div>\n\n<p>My first grand project at iFixit has been <strong><a href="https:////">iFixit Pro<\/a><\/strong>, a free resource to help people start and grow repair businesses.<\/p>\n\n<div class=\"imageBox imageBox_center\"><a href="https:////">\"Block