I had the same thing (firmware-lock and Icloud-lock) and I use a lot of linux distro’s, so I had the feeling of a procedure that would probably work. We’ll it did!
Important! Only if u don’t mind losing the files on your ssd or hd!
1. Download a fedora workstation live-iso https://getfedora.org/
2. Burn the .iso to a usb-stick. With Etcher https://etcher.io/ it will probably always burn successful, and available for win10, mac and linux.
3. Download a ubuntu live-iso https://www.ubuntu.com/
4. Burn it also to a usb-stick with Etcher.
5. Fedora uses also efi, like macOS. So if ubuntu will not show up as a, .Windows install-disc when pressing the alt-key at start-up. Then first boot in fedora live. If u can boot straight to ubuntu you can go to step 7, but it can’t harm to follow step 6 also.
6. Use the Disks utility in Fedora Live and delete all the partitions on the ssd/hd. Reboot.
7. Boot into ubuntu. And actual install it on the whole ssd/hd. Because we still need to replace the apple-efi-recovery with grub2-bootloader. In the install-proces you will get a warning like: “When proceeding you will delete efi. It can be difficult to install another OS later on the machine” We’ll just press ok, and accept the grub2-install of ubuntu. Reboot.
8. Hold the command-R keys at start-up. Make sure u can connect to wifi. Internet-recovery will start.
9. Open disk-utility and just format the ssd/hd back to 1 Apple journaled GUID-partition
10. Select fresh OSX install. Done! A fresh MacBook Air that u can register with your own Apple-ID.
I only tested it on Macbook Airs shipped original with Lion but I can’t think of a reason why it will not work on newer ones. Older ones (pre-internet-recovery) U probably can use a OSX install-usb at step 8.
Please add comments, when u run into some kind of trouble! Good luck!
Warum nicht auf Deutsch
by Luc Schmit
Hallo wollte mal Fragen wie ich mein Firmware Passwort entriegeln kann da ich es vergessen habe, wenn jemand mir helfen könnte, habe ein 17zoll Macbook Pro Ende 2011
by Luc Schmit
thanks you sir its working
by canlasbry
Please use English!
by rich1812
I'm Jeff, I got a MacBook Pro that I bought from a friend . The firmware is protected by a password, and I cannot boot form my HDD. When I googled it, I found that the firmware password should be removed or reset, but I don't know how to reset it.
by gboyjeff
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