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Editing Crowdin


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link to Google"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Once again, don\u2019t change the order of the placeholders, and don\u2019t insert spaces that didn\u2019t appear in the original text. Otherwise, you could break the link when you translate."}]},{"type":"heading","attrs":{"level":4},"content":[{"type":"text","text":"Tips and Tricks about Placeholders"}]},{"type":"bulletList","attrs":[],"content":[{"type":"listItem","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"In some cases, you might encounter a character that resembles a small square attached to a placeholder. Ignore the small squares in your translations."}]}]},{"type":"listItem","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"By default, Crowdin enables the option to validate translations. The option checks translations for missing punctuation, variables, and more. This is ideal, except for one small caveat. You may find a string of text that has a placeholder and a word without a space in between, such as \"%1Find us on %2facebook\"; Crowdin will think that %1F is the placeholder. In which case, if you attempt to commit the translation, you will find yourself with an error message saying you have missed or mistranslated some variables. Go ahead and click 'Save Anyway' and continue with your translations."}]}]}]},{"type":"heading","attrs":{"level":3},"content":[{"type":"text","text":"Formatting XML Tags"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"While we try to minimize it, you may see HTML\/XML tags, such as <strong>, used to format text in a string. If you see code, don\u2019t translate it. It shouldn\u2019t be there. Report the issue to iFixit admins."}]}]}">

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