Kindle Fire HDX 7" Front CameraReplace the front facing camera assembly for the Kindle Fire HDX 7".Lifetime Guarantee$5.99View
Kindle Fire HD 8.9" Flash AssemblyCamera Flash Assembly for the Kindle Fire HD 8.9" Wi-FiLifetime Guarantee$4.99View
Kindle Fire HDX 8.9" Rear Camera EnclosureReplace a metal rear camera enclosure compatible with the Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 inch model.Lifetime Guarantee$4.99View
Kindle Fire HD 8.9" Front Camera GrommetRubber grommet that fits between the front facing camera and the digitizer glass.Lifetime Guarantee$4.99View
Kindle Fire HD 7" (2012, 1st Gen) Front CameraReplace the front facing camera for the 1st generation Kindle Fire HD 7". Lifetime Guarantee$6.99View