March 202 here and I’m (of course) the one poor sod out here that none of this date reseting is working for…
I’m (of course) the one poor sod out here that none of this date reseting is working for…
Picked up a mid 2009 MacBook Pro 17”. It has the latest firmware on it. It came with El Capitan installed and I hadn’t realised it was a slightly older model that I couldn’t upgrade.
I’ve tried everything imaginable to get this %#*@ thing back to El Capitan but nothing works.. I get this same infuriating message every time. I ‘m going to bin the bloody thing in a minute!
I’ve tried dates between 2015 and 2018 nothing… same same same…
I’ve run the installer from a bootable USB drive. set the time and date numerous times in terminal.. nothing works.
March 202 here and I’m (of course) the one poor sod out here that none of this date reseting is working for.. Picked up a mid 2009 MacBook Pro 17”. It has the latest firmware on it. It came with El Capitan installed and I hadn’t realised it was a slightly older model that I couldn’t upgrade.[br]
March 202 here and I’m (of course) the one poor sod out here that none of this date reseting is working for…
Picked up a mid 2009 MacBook Pro 17”. It has the latest firmware on it. It came with El Capitan installed and I hadn’t realised it was a slightly older model that I couldn’t upgrade.
I’ve tried everything imaginable to get this %#*@ thing back to El Capitan but nothing works.. I get this same infuriating message every time. I ‘m going to bin the bloody thing in a minute![br]
I’ve tried everything imaginable to get this %#*@ thing back to El Capitan but nothing works.. I get this same infuriating message every time. I ‘m going to bin the bloody thing in a minute!
I’ve tried dates between 2015 and 2018 nothing… same same same…
I’ve tried dates between 2015 and 2018.. nothing… same same same…[br]
I’ve run the installer from a bootable USB drive.. set the time and date numerous times in terminal.. nothing works.
I’ve run the installer from a bootable USB drive. set the time and date numerous times in terminal.. nothing works.
March 202 here and I’m (of course) the one poor sod out here that none of this date reseting is working for.. Picked up a mid 2009 MacBook Pro 17”. It has the latest firmware on it. It came with El Capitan installed and I hadn’t realised it was a slightly older model that I couldn’t upgrade.[br]
I’ve tried everything imaginable to get this %#*@ thing back to El Capitan but nothing works.. I get this same infuriating message every time. I ‘m going to bin the bloody thing in a minute![br]
I’ve tried dates between 2015 and 2018.. nothing… same same same…[br]
I’ve run the installer from a bootable USB drive.. set the time and date numerous times in terminal.. nothing works.